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Showing posts from October, 2015

Where did September GO?!

My son was looking at the calendar the other day. Trying to count how many days to Halloween, he turns around and looks at me and says...."Where the heck did September GO?!" I laughed and said you are too young to worry about where the time is going! But yea I have no idea where it went. It seems like my post here lately is dwelling on where all the time went. Its definitely going by fast! And it doesn't help when every other post on Facebook is counting down to Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas! Geez people can we just get thru the first 6 weeks of school?! Speaking of school i have a a rant about the system. Or the lack there of anyway: I remember being disciplined in school. If I broke a rule I was sent to the office where my mom was already waiting for me. (Didn't help that she worked at my elementary school) but still. So not only did the principal lecture me about how talking in class and being disruptive was disrespectful, I had to get an ear full from...