Its a dirty word. CHORES. They are dreaded. They are mundane. Daily, weekly, monthly and in my case we even have quarterly chores. The kids have them and as much as they think its unfair to have them, their dad and I know that in the long run it is teaching them responsibility. Of course they think they do more than the other and in some cases they think they do more than I do. And we all know that is just next to impossible :) They have a chore list in their rooms and are expected to do them on a daily and weekly basis. We aren't ripping away a childhood by giving the 3 kids chores. Its only fair that they 1) pick up after themselves 2) understand that this is a household with 5 people in it and in order for us to all manage, chores are a necessity. Whatever and how ever they want to run their house when they are on their own is their business. I just hope that they keep a clean house. That they will pass the torch on to their own kids and teach them that it takes 10 minutes a da...