My husband, the hard working bread winner of the house, had to go to work 4 days earlier than normal this hitch. It seems that this household has developed a pattern. When dad is gone things go haywire. Kids try to act up. The check engine light goes off and on in the car. The dogs dig holes in the backyard. The washer kicked the bucket (2nd time in a year) We have alot of leftovers after dinner every night. OK maybe that's not so bad. Ill take a night of heating up leftovers over a night cooking any time. It just seems that we always have alot going on when hes gone. Then I just have to remind myself that its just me for 2 weeks out of the month. I have gained a new appreciation for single moms who have to do this full time. I need to count my blessings that its just me up against 3 kids for 14 days out of the month. He's had to work over before and that didn't seem to be a big deal, I guess because he was already gone, so we weren't really phased by it. But going in ...