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Showing posts from October, 2009

Our Pumpkin is 11 months old.....

Our pumpkin is 11 months old today. It seemed fitting for me to drag him in the chilly windy weather we are having to get some pictures at a local pumpkin patch wearing his jack-o-lantern shirt. I was 7 months pregnant this time last year and well....he was a jack-o-lantern then too!... I still cant believe the time has gone by as fast as it has. i mean this was a year ago and really doesn't seem like it. Jaxon will be one in a month and im in awww . He won't be a little pumpkin in a month...he will be a little turkey!!!

My Sunday Morning Funny....

Jaxons Great Grandma came over Sunday and brought me the Sunday paper to read and thumb thru the ads. Jaxon loved the paper. He went thru every piece until there was nothing else to look thru any more. He wanted everything in all the ads. He refused to let me look at anything even though it was in my hand or in my grandmas hand...he wanted it!! His little finger tips were black from all the stories he was thumbing thru. I even gave him the sports page to read and he "read" it, just like he did the other sections of the paper. He's a little in to the paper here. Looks a little scary to me, but apparently he didn't agree with the story at all!! GG there's something in here I want you to read....where is it? I just saw it.....

Sometimes I feel guilty....

That I nap on the weekends as long as he does. I feel guilty when Monday morning rolls around and the laundry still isn't finished or the dishwasher needs to be unloaded and loaded again. I feel guilty that there is a lot to do around the house and Sunday is my only day. Sunday is my only nap when he catch up on the recorded catch up on lost play dates with my sit in the living room floor and stack blocks or roll his cars finish the same 3 books that he loves over and over again. Sunday is my only day to be able to stare at him longer while he sleeps or while hes eating or when we are playing. Sunday is my only day.

He's just Jaxon from the block....

These are scattered all over the living room floor right now. These are under the furniture in the living room. The dog tries to play with them. These hurt when you step on them barefoot. The little bucket that he loves to put his blocks in and then take his blocks out. Put them all in there again and then dump the bucket and slide the bucket across the floor. Here he is showing off his stacking skills. He will do it in the bucket but won't stack them on the floor. When me or daddy stack them he comes and knocks them down, yells at us and puts them back in his bucket. To stack. This is what he started doing *after* he saw the dog doing it. I got on to the dog. Told Jaxon the same rule applied to him so I told him not to chew on his blocks...he then slide it under the chair. "Cant chew on it then I wont play with it!!" is what I think he said under his breath.... The blocks come in a bag with a draw string. This is him after he dumped the rest of them out of the bag......

The much anticipated game day.....

Josh is a Oklahoma Sooner fan. I am a Texas Longhorn fan. Jaxon is a confused fan. Let me start by saying when he's old enough to choose his own team of whatever sport he likes, then we will roll with it. But for now, he will be confused as to who to cheer for and what team jersey to wear. The Red River Shootout was today. And OU lost 13 to 16. Jaxon wore his Texas outfit. Josh sported his OU shirt. Josh talked about going and getting Jaxon an OU shirt to wear with Longhorn shorts. I told him that would be dumb. So they didn't match even though Josh was teaching Jaxon to say GO SOONERS , Jaxon would look down at the longhorn on his shirt and look at Josh so confused! Needless to say next time the Longhorns and Sooners play he will be wearing what daddy will be wearing. Until then the 2 rivals will live under the same roof and nap........

You're Gonna Miss This...

You're gonna want this back... You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast. These are some good times... **Life has gone by fast since my last post almost a month ago. Jaxon is now 10 months old, has 6 teeth, he's crawling and standing up on his own. (11secs is the longest!) I never would have thought that the days would go by this fast once he was here, but man I was wrong! I am going to do my best to try and slow this down.** So take a good look around... You may not know it now... But you're gonna miss this...